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The Big Four (Book 5)

The Big Four (Book 5)
Cod produs
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276 lei
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A ruthless international cartel seeks world domination... Framed in the doorway of Poirot's bedroom stood an uninvited guest, coated from head to foot in dust. The man's gaunt face stared for a moment, then he swayed and fell. Who was he? Was he suffering from shock or just exhaustion? Above all, what was the significance of the figure 4, scribbled over and over again on a sheet of paper? Poirot finds himself plunged into a world of international intrigue, risking his life to uncover the truth about `Number Four'.
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LIBRARIUS 404 Chisinau , Ștefan cel Mare și Sfînt 8, (CC UNIC)
078 747 404
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LIBRARIUS 418 Chisinau , bd. Moscovei 9/5
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LIBRARIUS 420 Chisinau , str. V. Dokuceaev, 13
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