Colin Hancock is giving his second chance his best shot.
At twenty-eight, he's focused on getting his teaching degree and avoiding all the places and people that proved so destructive in his past. The last thing he's looking for is a serious relationship. But when he crosses paths with Maria Sanchez one rainswept night, his carefully structured life is turned upside down. And when Maria, a hardworking lawyer, meets Colin she begins to question every notion she has ever had about herself and her future - and what truly makes her happy.
Before the couple has a chance to envision a life together, menacing reminders from events in Maria's past start to surface. And as the threat of violence begins to shadow her every step, she and Colin will be pushed to breaking point.
A story of obsession, reinvention and a love that defies every expectation, See Me is a incredible love story from multi-million-copy bestselling author Nicholas Sparks.
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