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Read queen And her Family

Read queen And her Family
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90 lei
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Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family is packed with fascinating facts. This colourful book lets children find out all about Elizabeth II and her family, while encouraging them to build their vocabulary and reading skills. Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family explains what the Queen does, shows children the palaces and castles she lives in, and reveals the amazing crown jewels. It also tells them about her relatives - the princes, princesses, dukes and duchesses that make up her family, including the two newest members Princess Charlotte and Prince George. A quiz at the end of the book lets children test their knowledge of Britain's longest-reigning monarch and her family.
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LIBRARIUS 418 Chisinau , bd. Moscovei 9/5
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Livrare gratis de la 400 lei in raza orasului Chisinau.

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