Emma is young, rich and independent. She has decided not to get married and instead spends her time organising her acquaintances' love affairs. Her plans for the matrimonial success of her new friend Harriet, however, lead her into complications that ultimately test her own detachment from the world of romance.
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LIBRARIUS 401 | Chisinau , Str. Zelinski, 11/1 078 747 401 | Stoc limitat |
LIBRARIUS 406 | Chisinau , Str. Zelinski, 7 078 747 406 | Stoc limitat |
LIBRARIUS 403 | Chisinau , Str. Puşkin, 22 078 747 403 | Stoc limitat |
LIBRARIUS 409 | Chisinau , str. L.Tolstoi, 24/1 (mag. Nr.1) 078 747 409 | Stoc limitat |
LIBRARIUS 408 | Chisinau , or. Chișinău, str. Dacia 47/6 078 747 455 | Stoc limitat |
LIBRARIUS 411 | Balti , str. Ştefan cel Mare, 35 078 747 411 | Stoc limitat |
LIBRARIUS 418 | Chisinau , bd. Moscovei 9/5 078747418 | Stoc limitat |
LIBRARIUS 420 | Chisinau , str. V. Dokuceaev, 13 078747420 | Stoc limitat |
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LIBRARIUS 424 | Chisinau , str. Tiraspol, 5 078747424 | Stoc limitat |
LIBRARIUS 429 | Chisinau , str. Dacia 30/1 078747449 | Stoc limitat |
LIBRARIUS 432 | Edinet , or. Edineț, str. Independenței, 79 078747452 | Stoc limitat |
LIBRARIUS 437 | Causeni , or. Căușeni, str. M. Eminescu 23/1 078333437 | Stoc limitat |
LIBRARIUS 440 | Chisinau , str. M. Varlaam, 75 078333440 | In stoc |
LIBRARIUS 444 | Chisinau , str. Bogdan Voievod, 1 (Oasis Mall) 078011444 | Stoc limitat |
Librarius 445 | Chisinau , str. Arborilor 21, et 4 079366445 | In stoc |
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