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До бесплатной доставки по Кишиневу 400 лей
До бесплатной доставки по Республике 700 лей
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79 лей
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When Paris falls in love with legendary beauty Helen of Troy, the devastating effects of their affair on their families and fellow citizens are unimaginable. Battle lines are drawn, alliances are forged, and as the Greeks and Trojans march into battle, the resilience and humanity of all will be tested. In his epic story of divine ego, human frailty, and the ravages of war, Homer created an unforgettable cast of characters, whose moral dilemmas and heroic deeds will stay with readers long past the final pages of this book. Samuel Butler's famous prose translation of Homer's original brings the epic to an entirely new generation of readers.
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Бесплатная доставка от 400 лей по Кишиневу.

Бесплатная доставка по Молдове от 700 лей за пределами радиуса Кишинева.

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