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До бесплатной доставки по Кишиневу 250 лей
До бесплатной доставки по Республике 700 лей
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180 лей
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 It's the start of the Easter holidays and Lauren Cusack should be heading back to Washington before her final term at Wyckham College, Oxford. But this call changes everything. Her relationship with impossibly handsome aristocrat Alexander Hunt has been turbulent, passionate and addictive. Lauren knows she needs to walk away, but as she now rushes to his side she knows she will be sucked back into his world. And sure enough, Alexander—even a seriously injured Alexander—is an intoxicating cocktail Lauren cannot resist. Despite everything that is sent to thwart them—and with Alexander there is drama at every turn—she finds herself happier than she's ever been. But as her final term races by, and she is offered the perfect job back in Washington while Alexander is tied to his Estate, the impossibility of their romance hits home.

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