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The Metamorphosis and Other Stories

The Metamorphosis and Other Stories
Код продукта
Есть на стоке
193 лей
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When the young salesman Gregor Samsa wakes up one morning transformed into a monstrous insect, his shock and incomprehension are coupled with the panic of being late for work and having to reveal his appearance to family and colleagues. Although over the following weeks he gradually becomes used to this new existence confined within the bounds of the apartment, and his parents and sister adapt to living with a grotesque bug, Gregor notices that their attitudes towards him are changing and he feels increasingly alienated. One of the masterpieces of twentieth-century world literature, 'The Metamorphosis' is accompanied in this volume by a selection of other classic tales and sketches by Kafka - such as 'The Judgement', 'In the Penal Colony' and 'A Country Doctor' - all presented in a lively and meticulous new translation by Christopher Moncrieff.
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LIBRARIUS 401 Chisinau , Str. Zelinski, 11/1
078 747 401
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LIBRARIUS 406 Chisinau , Str. Zelinski, 7
078 747 406
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LIBRARIUS 409 Chisinau , str. L.Tolstoi, 24/1 (mag. Nr.1)
078 747 409
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LIBRARIUS 410 Chisinau , Str. Mircea cel Bătrîn, 24/6
078 747 410
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LIBRARIUS 412 Chisinau , Bd. Moscova, 1/1
078 747 412
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LIBRARIUS 417 Chisinau , str. Calea Ieșilor 5
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LIBRARIUS 420 Chisinau , str. V. Dokuceaev, 13
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LIBRARIUS 429 Chisinau , str. Dacia 30/1
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LIBRARIUS 434 Chisinau , str. Ștefan cel Mare 64
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