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A Simple Path

A Simple Path
Код продукта
Есть на стоке
308 лей
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 In A Simple Path, Saint Teresa, senior members of the Missionaries of Charity and volunteers at their homes around the world offer their advice and long experience of how we can practise a fuller love for each other, help those less fortunate than ourselves and find peace in doing so. They discuss such fundamental issues as happiness, fear, compassion, the family and death - all themes of direct relevance to those seeking the deeper meaning of life today.

This inspiring work is a unique spiritual guide, for Catholics and non-Catholics alike: full of wisdom and hope, from the one person who gave the greatest example of love in action in our time.

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LIBRARIUS 412 Chisinau , Bd. Moscova, 1/1
078 747 412
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LIBRARIUS 422 Chisinau , str. Piața Unirii Principatelor, 3
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Бесплатная доставка от 250 лей по Кишиневу.

Бесплатная доставка по Молдове от 700 лей за пределами радиуса Кишинева.

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